Cranial Osteopathy in Angel

North London

Cranial Osteopathy in Angel Islington

Cranial osteopathy is very similar to cranio-sacral therapy but is a specific treatment modality that specialised osteopaths work with.

Cranial osteopaths are trained to feel very subtle tensions held in the body and release them by applying gentle yet efficient pressure on specific points of the body. It can have an effect on the nervous system balancing and calming overactive areas.

It is used for the treatment babies, children, pregnant women and acute patients as it is gentle non-invasive. However, it can offer great relief on all patients as a treatment of its own or blended with other techniques.

Our body can cope with occasional physical and emotional stress and each of us have different ways to cope or get relief from these stresses. However sustained stress can be more difficult to shift and therefore store itself in our joint and tissues. That is when the body can start to stiffen and tire and struggle to cope with extra demands. Cranial osteopathy is very efficient at unlocking these accumulated stresses.

It is an powerful modality for the calming of stress, improvement of sleep and release of tension stored in the tissues. It can be useful for rebalancing the patient at the end of the session.

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