I spend most of my week with mums and babies and I always ask mum’s how their child is sleeping. A good night sleep is essential for a growing child but also essential for a mum. Mum’s need a good night’s sleep too!
Here are some tips that may help you get your child to sleep. If bedtime is a struggle or your child has difficulty to fall asleep, try the following:
- Avoid high sugar levels and E number foods for dinner.
- Switch off all devices 1 hour before bed (no screens).
- Incorporate a bedtime routine that the child will recognise every night. ie: dinner, bath, pyjamas, brushing their teeth and toilet, focus/calming exercise (colouring, reading to the parent when of age) and bed.
- Warn the child of their approaching bedtime and announce routine and get them to agree.
- You can even set up a reward star chart i.e.: they get a star the next morning for a smooth bedtime. Here are some useful calming exercises to do before sleep:
- Calming Bedtime Exercises