Ostéopathie Grossesse

Ostéopathie Grossesse
La grossesse peut être une experience émouvante, fatiguante mais aussi angoissante.
It is a time when muscles and ligaments soften. Hormonal changes (the action of relaxin and oestrogen) increase fluid uptake in collagen fibres, making the spine and pelvis more flexible. Often, these changes may cause discomfort and pain. As back pain is present in 75% of pregnancies it is almost considered normal. However, your pregnancy should be as pain free as possible.
Osteopathy is a safe and effective treatment that can help relieve those aches and pains when medication use is limited. It can also prepare the body for birth by balancing and re-aligning your body to better cope with the increasing load and strain on the joints and pelvis.
As your body changes we will advise you on dos and don’ts and how to adapt to these changes such as exercise, stretches, sleeping positions, work posture, circulation…Each phase of your pregnancy has different needs.
Conditions often seen in clinic:
- Carpal tunnel
- Mal de dos
- Sciatica
- Ligament pain
- Coccyx pain
- Shallow breathing
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Londres – Moorgate
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