L'ostéopathie pour les bébés et les enfants

in Oxford

Infant Osteopathy in Oxford

Your child may need osteopathic treatment at different stages of his or her life.

Tensions can start to build up at the start of their journey in utero with the breech position or other uncommon presentations or depending how long they have been engaged. Then, different birth processes can occur affecting the baby in different ways such as: a long labour, an instrumental delivery or a C-section. Most babies cope perfectly well with their birth as tensions naturally ease in the following days but some babies will need a helping hand.

Your child goes through many stages of development: from in utero through birth to sitting, crawling, chewing, walking, talking, learning etc.. each of these stages require new physical and neurological input. Osteopathy can help through these milestones by optimising mobility making sure the baby can develop and strengthen properly and releasing any tension that could be hindering this. Osteopaths will give exercises and advice to parents to continue their treatment at home.

Later on, your child will go through growth spurts, sports injuries and bad posture with many hours sitting at a desk. Osteopathy can relieve pain, promote recovery and correct their posture.

The most common presentations of babies in our osteopathic practice are:

  • Coliques, gaz
  • Plagiocéphalie (tête plate) et torticolis
  • Bébés irritables
  • Difficulté à se nourrir
  • Otites
  • Earache, glue ear
  • L'œil collant
  • Problèmes de sinus, infections thoraciques récurrentes
  • Pied-bot
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