Ostéopathie Grossesse
à Londres

Osteopathic Treatment for Pregnant Women in the City of London
Pregnancy can be overwhelming and tiring but also Exciting!
A women’s body will endure emotional, physiological and physical changes throughout the stages of pregnancy and support is crucial. Osteopathy can help relieve the aches and pains of pregnancy, as it does not have to be painful.
As the baby grows, the centre of gravity moves forward and the mother’s weight changes. This process stretches certain muscles and forces other muscles to work more. Due to increased levels of the hormone relaxin, the pelvis widens and the ligaments loosen to accommodate the growing baby. Osteopaths can help rebalance the body to relieve pain caused by this process in mothers-to-be.
Through the different stages of pregnancy, women can be guided by Osteopathy as each trimester places new demands on the body. From sleeping positions to posture Osteopaths can also help with exercises and preparation for the postpartum phase.
Eglantine’s background in Pilates provides a holistic and rounded approach to patient management, able to prescribe specific exercises relevant to the different pregnancy stages to support changes in the body and to prepare for birth.
What is commonly treated in our clinic:
- Shallow breathing
- Carpal tunnel
- Mal de dos
- Sciatica
- Ligament pain
- Coccyx pain
- Shallow breathing