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Osteopathic Treatment in the London Moorgate
Osteopathy is a method of diagnosis, rehabilitation and prevention, as such it is regarded as a primary care profession. Rather than simply treat the symptoms, the goal of osteopathy is to find and treat the underlying cause of pain or injury.
Osteopathy recognises that the body should be in a state of balance, therefore by treating the structure, osteopaths enable the body to heal itself by restoring the it’s natural function.
Osteopathy is beneficial for people of all ages, from babies and children, through teens, to adults and seniors. Osteopathy is also particularly effective for treating pregnant and post partum women. Treatment is specific to each individual and therefore differs according to the unique patient.
Osteopathic techniques include myofascial and soft tissue treatment to release muscular tension, manipulation and articulation of joints to aid mobility, cranial therapy to rebalance the body and fascial and visceral techniques to release deeper restrictions.
Les maux les plus courants comprennent :
- Mal de dos
- Maux de tête / migraines
- Mauvaise posture
- Douleurs au cou et aux épaules
- Blessures sportives
- Sciatique ou autre pincement nerveux
- Douleurs pelviennes et dorsales prénatales et postnatales
- Arthrite et douleurs rhumatismales
- Tendinopathies
- Tennis ou golfeur « elbow »
- Douleurs au pied / genou
- Problèmes digestifs ou intestins irritables
- Douleurs menstruelles
- Tension et douleur de la mâchoire
Qu'est-ce que la technique viscérale ?
The collective name for the organs of the chest, pelvis and abdomen is Viscera. As such Visceral osteopathy releases the tension of the attachments points of these organs to improve their function. Tension from these points can exert a pull on the spine through their ligament attachments. Visceral osteopathy can also treat functional problems of restricted breathing and poor digestion by addressing the motility of the visceral organs.