Ostéopathie Crânienne
London City
Cranial Osteopathy in the City of London
Cranial osteopathy is a specific form of osteopathic treatment used by trained osteopaths, it is very similar to cranio-sacral therapy.
Cranial osteopaths identify very subtle tensions held in the body, using gentle yet efficient pressure on specific parts of the body, they are able to release that tension, balancing and calming overactive areas of the nervous system.
Cranial osteopathy is a gentle and non-invasive treatment effective for babies, children, pregnant women and acute patients. Used either on it’s own or combined with other osteopathic techniques, it can offer significant benefits for all patients.
The human body can cope with occasional emotional and physical stress and each individual has coping mechanisms to relieve or deal with them. Sustained stress however, can accumulate in tissues and joints and is often difficult to release. In this scenario, the body can stiffen and tire and struggle to cope with the extra demands. Cranial osteopathy is very effective at unlocking and releasing these accumulated stresses.
Cranial osteopathy is a powerful modality for calming stress, improving sleep and relieving tension stored in the tissues. It can also be very useful for rebalancing patients at the end of a session.