Postnatal Osteopathy in Angel

North London

hands massaging female abdomen.therapist applying pressure on belly.

Postnatal Osteopathy in Angel and Islington

Pregnancy and labour can affect your body in more ways than one: emotionally, physically and physiologically.

It is hard to seek treatment or to know when or what therapy to go for after birth especially as your day is devoted to your newborn and you do not have time for yourself! It is important to take care of yourself during this difficult time as your baby’s demands are relentless.

At the Islington practice our women’s health osteopaths are specialised in treating and providing recovery support for birth related conditions such as episiotomy, pelvic pain, incontinence and prolapse, painful menstruation, caesarean section scar pain and even helping you feel confident in yourself and returning to fitness after birth.

At your your appointment a complete physical assessment will be carried to ascertain what areas may be causing you pain. We will answer any of your queries and create a treatment plan specifically tailored to your recovery, consisting of realignment, postnatal exercises and stretches to ensure you make a full recovery.

As osteopaths, we work on many different aspects of your recovery although each of them are interconnected to get you to where you want to be.

Your alignement is key: your body has just spent 9 months having to adapt to a growing baby and after birth its has to rebalance to find it new centre of gravity whilst coping with all new activities such as feeding / carrying / lifting and pushing the buggy. Adding to this, after 9 months of carrying your baby in utero and a delivery (may it be Natural or csection), your pelvic floor and abdominals might be a little tired.

The initial steps for getting these muscles back to normal function is their alignment. If your body is not stacked properly then it is hard for certain muscles to switch on. We will make sure your body can cope with the new demands by releasing tensions and unlocking certain areas. After this we will work on providing strengthening and postural exercises to further your progress.

We will support you through this time by suggesting stretches / exercises and tips for your daily activities such as posture feeding, handholds and other.

Prices and Booking